
Friday, May 17, 2013

May Day Basket Finished!

For those of you new to my blog, each month I'm challenging myself to make something from one of the numerous books I own.  This month I'm celebrating May Day, and I give you my May Day Basket!

I recently purchased EQ Stitch, a digitizing add-on for EQ7, and digitized the flowers from an applique block. Added those flowers to a basket block in Nancy Mahoney's Basket Bonanza, then a few borders, and viola!  A basket of flowers wall hanging to celebrate spring in May!

This, of course, is before all the pretty quilting!

This quilt measures 18 1/2"x 19", and has two layers of batting.  One is poly, the other (I think) a poly/cotton blend,  using up some batting scraps by zigzag-ing the edges together.  Wall hangings are a perfect use for those scraps!  Even though I like how the two layers allowed the flowers to puff up, not sure that I'll use that combo again.  Some areas the fabric and batting got pushed around, creating a few tucks and unwanted poofy areas.  Or maybe the hopping foot was too close but that's a whole other issue!

Here's some close ups of the quilting:
And this one, showing the pretty flowers:

Happy Quilting!

1 comment:

Thank you so much for just made my day!