
Sunday, May 11, 2014

A Surprise in Every Block!

Last night I had the best fun!  No, didn't go out and party.  Instead, I had the house to myself, a very rare occurrence on a Saturday night!  And what did I do?  Made some really awesome blocks!

These are just one style of block that can be made from the Book of the Month selection,  Wacky Pinwheel Quilting Wizard (affiliate link)
Each one is a surprise, and they're all different!  Here's a sampling

Aren't they cool??  And yes, they are really bright!  All of these from this
Well, I'm off for more fun.  Making more blocks of course!

Happy Quilting!


  1. I think your choice of accent fabric works wonderfully with your focus fabric. I think it takes a good eye to see the potential for a particular fabric to be a candidate for this type of block; you certainly have it. Must have been fun for you to sew this up.

  2. Thanks! I want to do another!


Thank you so much for just made my day!