
Friday, January 15, 2016

Matching Binding to the Piecing

Last week, I talked about two different binding methods that didn't distract from the piecing of the quilt. The first was Two Color Binding, used on Interlude. Today, it's Matching Binding to the Piecing, which was used on Simply Woven Version and O Tannenbaum!.

This technique was especially useful on O Tannenbaum! because of the high contrast piecing.

White binding would have detracted in the red area, just as red binding would have been a disaster in the white. This table topper is so strong visually, that the binding really needs to match. 

So, here's a tutorial on how to match that binding, using the Simply Woven Version quilt as the example.

Start with enough binding to cover the piecing colors in the quilt, stitching all of same color together. In the picture below, I have two lengths of each color just so it's a bit less to handle.

Using one length of each color, sew them together end to end, using a straight seam versus the normal corner to corner. Do this only once - don't sew all the lengths together.

Press the seam to one side. There is a bit more bulk this way, but the seam is less likely to pull apart.

Match this seam with the piecing,

and stitch 6-8 stitches to test alignment. 

Well done!

Oh, how I love that trick!!

Cut the binding above the first matching point, approximately 8-12". Notice I have 2 1/2" inches folded back in the picture.

This becomes the final joining point. See my tutorial on Joining Binding in 3 Easy Steps to easily make this join.

Continue attaching the binding, and stop within 4-6 inches of the next color change in the piecing. Because I've turned the corner, my working binding is tight, but manageable at a 3" length.

Lay out the binding and mark with a pin where the piecing color change is.

With right sides together, stitch the other color to the attached binding, end to end, again using a straight seam.

Check that the binding seam matches the piecing seam, and that the binding is flat and snug.

Trim off the excess, and take the 6-8 stitches to check the match.

Another stunning match!

Keep attaching the binding, repeating the matching process. Finish with the final join, using the same color binding. Don't try to make the final join one of the color change points. It's not worth the frustration!

Finish the binding by machine or by hand, and enjoy your quilt!

Have a wonderful day quilting!


  1. What a great, simple technique! I love the results on this quilt. Thanks for sharing this tutorial; I'll definitely be using it.

  2. Thank you for explaining this. The one time I tried to match piecing and binding I went of measurements that didn't turn out as exact as this would have done. I'll have to give it another go.


Thank you so much for just made my day!