This one has quickly become another of my favorites for the year!
Why's that? Because it's a bright, cheerful celebration of winter, with food bringing everyone together, including birds. I love everything about it - the simplicity of the bird feeders, the fresh snow, and the beauty of the red cardinals.
Plus, I get to view it for at least two months, because this celebrates winter, not a holiday. That's my kind of decoration!
Some closeups:
the birds on the feeders,
and the bird in the snow.
These two are busy on this feeder, with one looking like he just landed, and the other busy eating.
While this guy looks like he's full, and just checking out the scene.
This one is pecking away, while his buddy takes it all in - he's considering eating what's dropped from the feeder.
One way or another, they're happy to be together, and grateful to have seed to eat. Isn't the company of friends and good food during the holidays what it's all about?
Update: the pattern release for Winter Feed, which includes full instructions, and applique bird templates is now available in my Etsy shop.
Happy Holidays!