Such a pretty little scrap quilt, if I do say so myself!
This quilt is a sister quilt to the Scrap Happy baby quilt from last year,
which was a pattern in the Charm School (affiliate link) by Vanessa Goertzen.
Making the 4-patch blocks for the center plus the borders was a snap using The Charming 4-Patch - Fast, Fun, and Fabulous tutorial. For a quick refresher, charm squares are sewn together, cut, sewn, and cut again, creating 4-patch blocks quickly and easily - without ever sewing a 2.5" square.
And to make a lot of 4-patch blocks at once, check out both The Charming 4-Patch on Overdrive, and it's companion video.
Now back to Becharmed. Once all the 4-patch blocks were done, some became the center block, while the others were saved for the border.
Cream charms create both the inner and outer borders. Here's a little secret: it's the backside of those cream charms that make up the borders. The front side was either too dark or had too much print, but the backs were perfect, so don't be afraid to use the backside of a fabric.
And with the open space of those cream borders, feathers just seemed a natural choice - they show up beautifully!
Balancing that is the simple crosshatch quilting on the 4-patches - super easy!
If you're looking for a fast baby quilt, check out Becharmed!
Happy Quilting!