
Friday, May 24, 2019

Quilts In Progress

Spending time this week sewing, sewing, and sewing some more. The projects under the machine are another, smaller Petunia Patch quilt and a Between the Lines quilt, both from patterns in the Scrappy and Happy Quilts book (affiliate link).

Scrappy and Happy Quilts

The Petunia Patch looks just the first one, a sea of squares and flip n' stitch corners. It should debut on Monday.

Petunia Patch petals

The Between the Lines quilt top is done, taking around two hours to put together because of easy strip piecing.

Between the Lines quilt strip sets

Piecing this quilt top was my way of coping with the 5-0 Sharks loss against the Blues. It was an extremely difficult game to watch. So, I listened instead while stitching away. I had such high hopes for my beloved Los Tiburones!

Between the Lines quilt top

All it needs now is backing construction from leftover fabrics from the front, and another quilt will be born. Look for this one next week.

That's all that's new with me - more to come on these two next week.
Happy Quilting!

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  1. Yay for easy and quick piecing! Love the little blue and gold bee fabrics. Sorry for your team's loss :( But it did result in a win for you <3

  2. Both quilts look pretty, can't wait to see more of them! Love your bee fabrics too.


Thank you so much for just made my day!