Yes, it was that fast. Diagonally cut 10" squares can grow a quilt quickly, and bust through some stash. And with no seams to match, construction is easy.
I've given this quilt the name McKenzie, because I was thinking of a friend whom I've lost touch with. She named her daughter McKenzie, and I've always thought that was a cool name. So, McKenzie this is!
Something I like about this quilt is the design of offset squares on the diagonal. And with the bits of teal for a fun color pop, it almost has a smocking look.
But I'm not sure I like the size of the red bands. In red, they're borderline overpowering, but the size helps bring the quilt to 55.5" x 76", which is an extra-long lap size. I don't know about you, but I like long lap quilts cause I want the quilt to tuck under my feet!
Quilting was with Glide Khaki thread and the Paperchase panto, giving it texture without overpowering.
And the back is pieced from yardage in the stash, which in this picture looks grey, but is really olive green.
Overall, I'm 50-50 on this quilt, as I think my design still needs a bit of work in regards to proportion and overall size. I may try a baby size with a few changes to see how that works.
(Update: the baby size is a finish - McKenzie Baby- check it out!).
Any suggestions? Should I pursue this further??
For now, this one graces my living room sofa for snuggling under, and works well with the color scheme in the room. All's well that ends well!
Happy Quilting!