
Friday, October 2, 2020

October 2020 Book of the Month

Do you love precuts? Especially 10" squares? Then the Quilter's 10" Square Precut Companion (affiliate link) from Jenny Doan is the book for you! 

quilt book with ruler and rotary cutter

It's been awhile since I've had an official book of the month, and this one has such great ideas for working with 10" squares, it was just too hard to pass up.

Personally, I'm don't have a stash of precuts and prefer to pick fabrics from my stash and cut my own. It's just how I operate. For some, picking up a pre-selected group of fabrics and starting in on a quilt immediately fits them perfectly. And either way one goes about choosing fabric is perfectly fine.

Check out these quilts in the Quilter's 10" Square Precut Companion book:

Disappearing Pinwheel Churn Dash

black cream and white stars

 Slice of Life

blue and cream Slice of Life quilt

and Building Blocks

pink and green building blocks quilt

Hmm, hard to choose! I wish I was that creative with 10" squares. Now we'll just see if I have time to work on one - I'll keep you posted.

Happy Quilting!

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1 comment:

  1. Funny - you are the most creative person I know! But point taken. I can't shop less than 1/2 yard (usually 3 full yds - just in case!) But was given a Charm pack (5") and it was fun too. Thanks for the book suggestion.


Thank you so much for just made my day!