
Monday, December 21, 2020

Giveaway Day!

To keep up with the magic of the Christmas season, today is a giveaway of three outstanding quilt books!

three quilt books

To spread the joy around, there are three separate giveaways, one winner for each book. Entering starts today and concludes Wednesday, Dec 23 at midnight, so those special books can go in the mail before Christmas. Amazon links are provided for further information about each book.

Let's have a look at the quilt book giveaway offerings. 

Giveaway 1

First up is the brilliance of Gemstone Quilts by MJ Kinman (affiliate link).

multi faceted orange gemstone in fabric

One of her most stunning pieces is 'Makers Flame', an absolutely beautiful quilt made for the Makers Mark Distillery.

makers flame orange gemstone quilt hanging

The first portion of the book dives deeply into design principles and image manipulation to best show off a gem, then moves on to construction techniques with plenty of tips and tricks along the way. There's plenty to learn here beyond making a gemstone quilt!

Enter to win the Gemstone Quilts book by answering a few simple questions.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway 2

Next, with it being the season of stars, how about Barbara Cline's Diamond Star Quilts book? (affiliate link)

a blue with red accents diamond star quilt

There are some absolute beauties in this book, starting with those having easy construction to those with more complexity. Overall, there are 12 projects, grouped into five categories based on the technique used. Though there is a Christmas Cactus quilt, I personally think the Spiky Desert Rose would look beautiful hanging at this time of year.

red and green desert rose on a black background

Enter below to win the Diamond Star Quilts book.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway 3

Christmas is often deemed a magical season. How about sewing some magic with Mary Hertel's Sew Magical book? (affiliate link)

paper pieced magical figures

Composed of full sized paper piecing patterns for mermaids, dragons, unicorns and more, Mary's book has adorable designs to make everyone smile! There's even a gnome - I told you they were popular this year!

paper pieced blue gnome

Enter the giveaway below for Sew Magical.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck everyone and Merry Christmas!

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My Favorite Patterns


  1. Just a heads up, Susan. The Rafflecopter box for the Diamond Star Quilts book says there are 4 days left. Shouldn't that be 2 like the other books?
    Thanks for giveaway.

  2. Thanks for this giveaway! It was a fun survey!

  3. This week is all about cooking but I thought I didn't have a Christmas quilt - turns out I have FOUR so now I can go back to the kitchen and make more cookies!
    Wishing you and yours a WONDERFUL HOLIDAY!

  4. Great Giveaway for Christmas! May you and your family be safe, have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year... Hugs

  5. What a wonderful giveaway, Susan! Thank you so much! Merry Christmas and Happy and Safe 2021 to you and your family!

  6. What a nice giveaway. Clever questions too.


Thank you so much for just made my day!