Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Midweek Makers 278

Welcome to Midweek Makers! I've taken a break from pattern writing and block testing to quilt Catherine's amazing blue and gold Shattered quilt - gorgeous!

It's also time to announce the winner of the Felt Flower Workshop book - congratulations to Susan, who was thrilled to win the book due to a deep love flowers. I'm sure her house will be overflowing with them!

In case you're curious, the results of the questions I asked for the giveaway:

  •  the most favorite flowers were in order, daffodils, tulips, and irises 
  •  the majority of you (almost 3-to-1) prefer to have the whole post come up on the home page versus snippets to click thru
  • and another majority of you (almost 2-to-1) would participate in a QAL
I truly appreciate everyone answering my questions, as it gives me important insight for both current blog design and QAL interest for my beach quilt. I'm still working on those blocks and deciding how I would do the QAL - I'll keep you posted! 

Moving on to the featured quilts from last week, I'm continuing with the spring flower theme with a few more floral quilts to share.

From Not Afraid of Color, these lovely poppy wall hanging that just got the addition of tulips - check her blog to see the whole piece!

Pretty hexie flowers from Time4Stitchn,

and an adorable baby quilt of chenille flowers from My Quilts and Crafts.

What do you have to share this week?

  • please link to your post not your homepage
  • please link a quilt related project
  • visit with the other guests and leave some comment love!
Have fun!

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  1. I'm really surprised not to see roses and lilies in that list. Catherine's quilt is beautiful. Thank you for the linky party.

  2. how fun to see my quilt on your showcase... thank you lots and for the party I look forward to each week! Take a break from pattern making...for sure! It is so much work to make patterns

  3. That blue and gold quilt looks fantastic.

  4. Your quilting is incredible! Thank your for sharing the other pretties.

  5. Such lovely quilting! The "icing" on the quilt! :)

  6. Hum, how did I miss the questions about blogs. I have to agree I prefer to see the whole blog not just the starts of several ones. Catherine's Shattered quilt is very cool. And, ah the rest of the eye candy. Fun things to look at today.


Thank you so much for just made my day!