Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Midweek Makers 307

Welcome to Midweek Makers and Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm sure everyone is busy prepping for the holiday, as we welcome guests back to the table. Sure feels good, doesn't it? But if you're still on the fence about gathering, I totally understand. Whichever way you go, enjoy the festivities!

In giveaway news, let's congratulate Gail on winning the Cool Cotton and Whimsical Wool quilt book! From the questions asked, cotton applique outnumbered wool 2-1 for applique. Maybe this book will inspire more wool projects!

As for sharing, there's not much from me today. The cat quilt is still in progress, having had a few interruptions, and now a delay as we make our way out again to work on the relative's house. Guess there's no better way to spend a holiday!

And from the party last week, I was very impressed with all the scrappy goodness that showed. Take a look as these:

from Grace and Peace, this sew-along quilt called Phoenix,

Scrapbox Quilts working on her X and O project,

while Quiltpiecer shows us her blocks.

And the one that really caught my eye was a camping journal quilt from Melva Loves Scraps - wow! One could spend hours looking at this!

Nice work quilters! Who's got a share today? Totally understandable if the holiday has taken away your quilting time!
  • please link directly to your post
  • please link a quilt related item
  • visit with the other guests and leave some comment love
Have fun!

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1 comment:

Thank you so much for just made my day!