It's another week of sharing here at Midweek Makers!
I've got some good news - I'll be sharing my applique cat quilt this Friday, as it's now off the frame. Nothing like this orange quilt with very fun puzzle piece quilting from my client, Robin, to spur things along!
Along with orange crush, there's several great quilts to share from last week's Midweek Makers:
from Gretchen's Little Corner, this beauty, which she puts on hotel beds when she goes to quilt retreats. Definitely nicer!
Donnaleeq has gotten back to working on her flower garden quilt top,
while Quilts, etc has more butterfly blocks to show.
What's your share this week?
- please link directly to your post
- please link a quilt related item
- visit the others and leave some comment love
Have fun!

Hum, weird that you have no comments on this blog. Your winter art work for the blog is great. You have quite the talent in design -- quilts and your label. (Or whatever it is actually called!