
Friday, February 4, 2022


Ah, February, the month of Valentines, hearts, and love. And that's what I'm bringing today, Love, my new table runner pattern, full of hearts.

letters L, V, E along with a heart to spell LOVE

The inspiration for my Love runner started from working with all of the red scraps for RSC. I've had a red and white heart/love themed quilt rolling around in my head for awhile, which transitioned to the Love table runner, so I could take advantage of the vast selection of heart fabrics that I own. Truly a worthwhile project!

My Love runner is certainly inspired by Valentine's Day, and would make some awesome wall decor too. The 14" x 37" size is perfect to spruce up a table, a cubby, or any spot that needs some love!

Can I say I'm in Love? Not only was this easy to assemble, but also easy to quilt. Stitch-in-the-ditch surrounds the letters, heart, and border strips, while the background is a 1/2" stipple. So as not to detract, I filled the letters with a 1/4" echo line and left the border strips alone so that they would puff up. 

letters and a heart to spell LOVE

The full Love pattern includes all block instructions, the full-sized paper piecing template for the letter V, and the Double Heart block. It really does go together super fast, and is suitable for the confident beginner quilter who is comfortable with paper piecing.

And because I want to spread some love, the Love runner pattern is featured at a special Etsy launch price of $7, now through Monday, February 14. Grab it before it's too late! 

Just want the Double Heart block pattern? Then use discount code 'DOUBLEHEART' for 20 percent off just the block, now through Saturday, Feb 5.

heart within a heart

Wishing everyone lots of love for a Happy Valentine's Day!

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