Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Midweek Makers #374

Welcome to Midweek Makers!

I have another client quilt to share, though the picture is just of the border. Somehow, I completely forgot to take a picture of the entire quilt! Guess all my brain power went into the quilting, leaving me little after the finish. Or maybe it was a senior moment.

Anyway, my client, Denise, wanted a wavy-vine theme quilted in the border. After quilting the Daydream pantograph in the main body of the quilt, stopping and starting at the border, I redrew a portion of the pantograph to use as a motif in the border, adjusting the spacing to fit the top/bottom and side borders. She was very happy with the results!

Moving on, let's see the shares from last week, specifically, blocks. Making a Lather showed off these three pretties,

Gretchen's Little Corner shared this blue cutie,

and Not Afraid of Color shared an adorable bird block.

Time to share at this week's party!

  • please link a quilt related item
  • please link directly to your post
  • visit with the others and leave some comment love
Have fun!

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1 comment:

  1. My brain power went away on taking any pictures the past several weeks while I've not posted to my blog.....sigh


Thank you so much for just made my day!