Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Midweek Makers #398

Welcome to Midweek Makers - let's do some sharing!

My share this week is about two recent blogging events, Bloglovin and Blogger. 

First, Bloglovin. For years, this was my favorite blog following service, which has once again started sending a daily blog digest to my inbox. I totally thought this service was dead. Maybe it still is, but it makes me happy to quickly see what my favorite bloggers are up to. Keeping my fingers crossed it continues.

Second, Blogger. Yes, QuiltFabrication is hosted by Blogger, ie Google Domains. Squarespace Domains has formulated an agreement to purchase all Google Domain names, which means my domain name will now be owned by Squarespace. They claim the yearly domain price won't increase, but eventually I'm sure that will change. I'm hoping that that's all that will change. We shall see.

Now onto some happy yellow shares from last week!

From Little Penguin Quilts, yellow blocks for RSC2023,

from DonnaleeQ, some pretty yellow table toppers,

and from Not Afraid of Color, this gorgeous sunflower.

Can't wait to see the shares at this week's party - come link up!

  • please share a quilt item
  • please link directly to your post
  • share the comment love
Have fun!

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My Favorite Patterns


  1. Thank you so much for featuring my yellow blocks! They are definitely a happy bunch of color. I started getting the Bloglovin emails again, too - makes you wonder where they were for all this time! I also wonder what this change from Google to SquareSpace will do to those of who use I sure hope nothing changes!

  2. My blog site is being hosted by a friend with her sites. When that changes I will have to add it to my account with my traffic exchange


Thank you so much for just made my day!