Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Midweek Makers #400

Welcome to a milestone Midweek Makers - #400!

That's comes out to a little over 7 1/2 years of Midweek Makers in my 10 years of blogging. Wow! And I plan to continue even with my recent health issues.

Which brings me to a big announcement. Next week, September 19, I will undergo back surgery to bring an end to all the issues causing leg pain and numbness. I've tried PT, heat, rubs, massage, NSAIDs, and cortisone shots all to no avail. There's no denying it any longer - lumbar fusion plus a couple other procedures are necessary to restore alignment and relieve the pressure on the nerves.

Yes, I know this is going to be nasty. Do I want to do it? NO. But I'd really like to get my life back - to be able to walk more than half a mile. To stand without my foot going numb. To look up at trees and stars without pain. To drive more than 10 miles without leg pain. To not limit my activities. To just move again. I'm not asking for much - just a semblance of normal.

Though I'll be out for awhile, Midweek Makers will still go on, as will the Quilt Block Mania blocks. I've been working hard the last few weeks, designing and writing patterns, and getting all the posts, including Midweek Makers, all set for the time while I'm in recovery. The only thing you'll miss is the weekly Midweek Makers features for a few weeks, but those are being replaced with some fun surprises.

Though this will be rough, I'm keeping a positive attitude - this will get better!

Now let's see the pretties from last week.

Julie's Quilts and Costumes made some great Dresden pillows with ties,

Scrapbox Quilts is making a pretty Christmas quilt,

and Songbird Designs shared this beauty.

Come link up for this week's party!

  • please share a quilt item
  • please link directly to your post
  • share some comment love
Have fun!

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My Favorite Patterns


  1. lumbar fusion was the best for me. IT has been great for a couple of years.

  2. Susan congratulations on 400 Mid Week Makers. I have enjoyed many of them over the years!!! Best of luck to you on your surgery. Wishing you a quick full recovery!!

  3. Wishing you all the best, Susan, for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery.

  4. Congratulations on 400 Midweek Makers. Wishing you and your medical team a successful outcome, a recovery that is speedy, and a new normal that brings some ease and normality back to your life. We are here for you and will be here for you when you come back!

  5. My friend just had this procedure in July. She's out walking again with her dog. It can be amazing, it seems. Best of luck.

  6. Happy 400th anniversary! I was sorry to read you have had such a struggle, but happy to hear you are getting the necessary treatment. I have heard it offers wonderful results which is heartening. Good luck with it all!

  7. Happy Anniversary!!! and Love, Hugs and prayers for a FAST recovery, and getting back to some semblance of normal. That has had to be such a frustrating time, and hopefully this will bring relief!!

  8. Sending good thoughts for your upcoming procedure and hoping your recuperation goes smoothly and quickly!

  9. good luck on your surgery it is hard to come to the point where you say you have to have it so you can enjoy life - well be thinking of you and we will all be here when you are back up to blogging

  10. Best wishes for your surgery and return to mobility. Back surgery is scary but sounds like you found someone excellent to do the job! I will keep you in my thoughts and be on the lookout for your return.

  11. Susan, it's been 10 months since I had spinal fusion at L-4, L-5.
    My thoughts on it: I wish I hadn't waited 18 months to get it done - my pain relief was immediate. 😁
    Looking forward to your return!

  12. Wishing you a successful surgery and a speedier than expected recovery. It will be so nice to get your issues resolved, even thought the surgery is not what you would desire. 🙏🏻

  13. Prayers and much good fortune for your upcoming surgery

  14. Hi Susan, congratulations on 400! I wish you a very successful operation and quick recovery. All the best.

  15. Prayers for a successful surgery and very speedy recovery, Susan. Thank you for the feature! Congratulations on 400!!

  16. Praying for a speedy and healthy recovery!


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