Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Midweek Makers #412

Welcome to Midweek Makers! 

Guess what? I quilted my first client quilt since surgery! A big step, and an easy one too, given that it was a nice sized baby quilt. The pantograph Amphibian in Glide's Cleopatra gold thread was a great choice for this one.

I'm also happy to see some holiday projects shared last week - take a look at these:

Vicki's Quilts and Crafts whipped up this wall hanging from a panel,

Bell Creek Quilts finished a free guild project just right for the holidays,

and a Scrappy Quilter shared some adorable woolly friends.

What do you have to share this week? Join the party!
  • please share a quilt related item
  • please link directly to your post
  • visit the other guests and leave some comment love
Have fun!

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  1. Hooray for that next step! I hope you felt good after your quilting session, too. I bet your client was really happy with the results!

  2. sounds like you are getting back to normal

  3. Congratulations on your finish. That’s a wonderful achievement. Now onto many more!

  4. Thanks for featuring the free table guild project this week!


Thank you so much for just made my day!