Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Midweek Makers #467

Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season filled with all the joys of gathering with family!

As some of you may already know, this is the last Midweek Makers. After almost 9 years of weekly hosting, I've decided to shift to a less structured posting schedule. Two years of medical issues, especially back surgery, has really taken a toll on my sewing and quilting, making me feel I don’t have as much to share. Though I'm physically back to normal, my priorities have shifted. 

So what's next? Quilt Block Mania blocks will still occur each month (I've already signed up for next year), with projects and other special items highlighted throughout the year as I make them or quilt them. There's still plenty of fabric and quilts I've designed that I want to make.

And just like the joy of family gathering for the holidays, these 9 years have been full of joyful gathering. I have met wonderful people through this blog and Midweek Makers - you have all enriched my life. I wish you all many more years of joyful quilting!

Join in on the last Midweek Makers or spend the day with family.
Merry Christmas!

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My Favorite Patterns

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Midweek Makers #466

Welcome to Midweek Makers!

Before I get into sharing, I have announcement regarding the future of Midweek Makers. With a heavy heart, I've decided to end our weekly get-togethers, with Dec 25, 2024 being the last link up. Over the years, it's been great fun seeing what everyone has created, sharing their triumphs and hiccups, but it's time to move on. I'll share more about my decision next week.

As for my quilt share, these are the last two scrap storage blocks for my RSC2024 quilt. I made an under bed box of landscape fabric and a shoebox of stripes, just as I suspected I would do.

The amount of fabric for each block represents what I have in yardage, which is quite a bit of landscape fabric and very little in the way of stripes. Both of these blocks contain very little scraps - I was totally going for the theme.

Once those were done, I went through another reorganizing of the blocks, keeping the ones I had at the bottom and moving around the busier ones at the top. 

If you study the color locations, you'll see they are both grouped and placed next to colors that they play well with. As for all the busy prints and such at the top, I'm just telling myself that those are the 'out of reach at the top of the storage unit cause they're not used much' boxes. Seriously, who wouldn't put the most used fabrics within easy reach??? Now it's on to stitching these blocks into their compartments and completing the top.

With winter upon us, and feeling a bit blue, I'm highlighting quilts with those themes. There's this pretty snowflake quilt that Grace and Peace Quilting quilted,

a lovely blue quilt from Eagle's Wings Quilts,

and this fascinating free-form quilt in denim from My Quilts and Crafts.

What do you have to share this week? Join the party!
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Have fun!

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My Favorite Patterns

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Midweek Makers #465

Welcome to Midweek Makers!

Well, I thought I had all the blocks necessary for my Scrap Storage quilt for RSC2024. After the reorganization of blocks and the determination that I want it longer, I'm now on a serious block making blitz as I'm eager to finish up this quilt top.

Here's my first round of blocks, mostly thematic. There's two batiks (warm and cool), a homespun, and two pinks.

Stretching for themes a bit more, I have 30's prints and checks.

Then there's my favorite, which gets a big box, cat prints!

The remaining block space requires one of the following scenarios: an under bed box and a shoebox, OR a tall box and shoebox, OR three shoebox blocks. It all depends on what I can come up with for a theme. I'm personally leaning toward an under bed box of landscape fabrics and a shoebox of stripes. I'll need to go hunting again and possibly cut into yardage. Wait! Cut into yardage? Isn't this quilt supposed to be from scraps??? Oh well!

Fun quilts showed up last week, like this one from a Making a Lather. 

And these, one from Grace and Peace Quilting,

the other from Donnaleeq.

What do you have to share this week? Join the party!
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Have fun!

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My Favorite Patterns

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Midweek Makers #464

Welcome to Midweek Makers!

Snow is in the air, at least here at QuiltFabrication! Check out the snowflake themed shoe box quilt block, which I was thinking would be the last block for my RSC2024 Scrap Storage quilt.

All blocks are on the design wall, and it has gone through one re-organization to accommodate the shelving/cubby layout I have planned. I like how it looks, but I still want it longer. So, off to find more themes I haven't used to add blocks for one more row.

Since snowflakes and Christmas go together, here are some Christmas themed projects our friends have been working on. Patchouli Moon Studio made a Grinchy wall hanging,

Bell Creek Quilts scored some green fabrics for trees,

and Quilting Gail used tree template from Missouri Star to make an impromptu card.

What do you have to share this week? Join the party!
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  • visit the other guests and leave some comment love
Have fun!

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My Favorite Patterns

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Snowflake for December Quilt Block Mania

Sparkle is the Quilt Block Mania theme this wintery month of December. Putting the idea of sparkle and December together makes me think of snowflakes - and that's what I'm offering as my free block!

It's fun to see how the other designers interpreted this month's theme, from a diamond ring (very sparkly!) to stars.

And here's the links to find all of these free blocks, for this month only of course.

Sparkle Heart by Carolina Moore
Sparkly Star by Patchwork Breeze
Diamond Ring by Crafty Staci
Stellar by Inquiring Quilter
Sparkle Star by Scrapdash
Snowflake by QuiltFabrication
Starburst by Patti's Patchwork
Tree by Tourmaline & Thyme Quilts
Sparkle with San Diego Sewn
Aurora by Emerald Falls Quilts
Twinkle Twinkle by Epida Studio
Sparkly Ohio Star by Oh Kaye Quilting
Crown by Appliques Quilts and More
Sparkly Christmas Bell by Around the Bobbin
Prismatic Points

My Snowflake block is pure fusible applique. Trace it or, better yet, print it onto printable fusible sheets such as Flexi Fuse (affiliate link). Check out my Flexi Fuse Review post on using this product.

Then fuse the pattern to white (or your choice), cut out carefully on the lines, and fuse to the background. Stitching does require some patience, but it's worth it! Here's my Snowflake table runner using other snowflakes I designed.

The Snowflake block is now included as an extra snowflake in the table runner pattern. Find it in my QuiltFabrication Etsy shop.

Feel free to tell others about QuiltFabrication and become a follower yourself through any or all of the following: direct delivery of posts to your inbox (sign up below), or by following on PinterestInstagram, or YouTube.

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My Favorite Patterns

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Midweek Makers #463

Welcome to Midweek Makers! And Happy Thanksgiving! 

As fall and November draws to a close, I'll send it along with a burnt orange shoe box block. 

Currently, there's one more shoe box space to fill in my Scrap Storage quilt, which means the scrap hunt is on to find a color or theme I haven't made. We shall see what I come up with next week.

Making a Lather has been busy finishing her Quiltville leader/ender project from 2013. Looking good!

Gretchen's Little Corner found a pleasing border fabric for these hand embroidered blocks, which finishes up a crib quilt,

and Sew Preeti Quilts met the Island Batik Challenge with these Dresden blocks.

What do you have to share this week? Join the party!
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Have fun!
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My Favorite Patterns

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Midweek Makers #462

Welcome to Midweek Makers!

For my Scrap Storage RSC2024 quilt, I played with dots this week. They certainly make a fun and colorful block! Still several blocks to go before I call it done.

I know we still have over a week before Thanksgiving, but I couldn't resist the Christmas themed quilt projects shown last week. There's this cute kitty in a Santa Hat from Patchouli Moon Studio,

and her adorable snowman.

From Scrapbox Quilts, this wonderful Peace on Earth wall hanging, 

and this cheery Christmas themed runner from With Strings Attached.

With those, I'm getting in the mood for Christmas - how about you? Feel free to share your Christmas projects and any other quilt that makes you happy!
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Have fun!

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My Favorite Patterns

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Midweek Makers #461

Welcome to Midweek Makers!

Still filling in the spaces for my Scrap Storage quilt, this time with a shoe box of full of fur fabrics and another bursting with stars. How fun are those??? This quilt is slowly veering toward themed scraps - there's only so many colors!

Other quilters were having fun with their projects this week. Check out Making a Lather's tiny Tuesday sampler block,

DonnaleeQ and her eggplant cat,

and Viridian's Blog with her in-progress Clean Up quilt.

What do you have to share this week? Join the party!
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Have fun!

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My Favorite Patterns

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Midweek Makers #460

Welcome to Midweek Makers!

This week I'm back to reviewing what colors are missing in my Scrap Storage quilt cause I need more blocks. RSC2024 covered dark and bright green back in January, but I only made one medium green under-bed box block. Now it's time to fill in with both bright green and olive, in the shoe box size. Love the duck and the flowers to add to the I Spy feature of this quilt.

Others that are working on scrappy quilts include Making a Lather, with her Bonnie Hunter Midnight Flight ufo from 2017. Love how this is taking shape!

Eagles Wings Quilts is also finishing up a Bonnie Hunter scrap quilt, Bricks and Stepping Stones,

and Bell Creek Quilts finished an Indian Hatchet baby quilt in yellow and black.

What do you have to share this week? Join the party!
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  • visit the other guests and leave some comment love
Have fun!

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My Favorite Patterns