
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Midweek Makers #437

Welcome to Midweek Makers!

Okay, here's the last of the RSC2024 pink blocks, this time it's broken dishes.

I think the last time I made some broken dishes from leftover HST's was in February. I didn't have any HST's for purple in March, nor yellow in April. And we shall see if June brings a color I have in HST's. Good to use those up too!

And here's some pretties that caught my eye last week:
summer is on it's way at Vicki's Crafts and Quilting with a watermelon runner,

plaids and stripes make for vibrant Snails Trails blocks at Making a Lather,

and patriotic fever has hit Bell Creek Quilts - love it!

Once again, links and picture sizing doesn't work like it used to. I've messaged blogger, but who knows if they'll really read it? Sigh...

So what do you have to share this week? Let's have a look!
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Have fun!

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  1. It has been a long time since I came this way. Nice broken dishes blocks. Thanks so much for hosting!


  2. Your broken dishes blocks are fun! Do you have a plan for those, or just making them whenever you have the right leftover HSTs? They'll come in handy somewhere!

  3. So much eye candy! The Broken Dishes are really fun. Love the summer watermelons, flag and those great Snail blocks.

  4. Are they made from cut off hst's? I am too impatient to take time to trim them with a rotary cutter and sew them back together. I suppose I could just sew 1/2" from the seam line and cut them up the middle. Why don't I do that? It might be because I try to avoid hst's.


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