
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Midweek Makers #439

Welcome to Midweek Makers!

I'm home and it feels great! Some of you wanted to see the bath remodel at my son's house. Here's the room before.

Not too bad, though I just read in an interior design article that said 'muddy yellow in a gray room never works'. But the color scheme is really the least of the problems.

A small issue was the whirlpool tub. Over several years, who knows what's been growing in the tubing and jets. Could have given it a deep clean but an even bigger issue was the 3 foot diameter circle of dry rot around the toilet that was spreading under the tub and threatening to cave in the floor. Here's the room gutted, with all the dry rot removed.

After 12 days and an expensive replumb, the bathroom now is a fresh and modern space! With a very solid floor, I might add. Yes, hubby and I did this.

So now I'm home, doing a bit of sewing. Since the RSC2024 color for June is blue, I've made up a light blue tall box to go with the others.

Maybe next week I'll put these blocks up on the design wall so everyone can see where this is going, and what I have left to fill in.

Enough about me, let's see some highlights from last week!

Julie's Quilts and Costumes got to try freezer paper piecing (my favorite!) on a jewel block,

Busy Hands are Happy Hands turned a flimsy into a shower curtain, (I should show this to my DIL!)

and Anja Quilts created this striking version of Luminous Layers.

And once again, Blogger will not let some of the text link, nor will it enlarge the images. Ugh. But let's still have a party -what do you have to share this week? 
  • please share a quilt related item
  • please link directly to your post
  • visit the other guests and leave some comment love
Have fun!

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  1. Remodeling bathrooms are the worst job, they always seem to involve dry rot! I'm sure you all have a feeling of satisfaction with a job well done. I love the shower curtain! Happy stitching!

  2. The bathroom remodel looks great - very fresh and modern! I bet your son and DiL love it. Your light blue scraps box is fun, too! Have a great day, Susan!

  3. Wow, amazing job on the remodel, Susan!!! Looks like you two can do anything!!!

  4. Susan, Blogger has several issues lately. As to enlarging the photos, I found that if you add your photos to your post and then save what you have and click out of the post and then go back to your post you can then enlarge to whatever size you want your photos. I don't know if this is a Blogger glitch or the "new" way to do things now. The link that you add when you highlight something does add the link but highlighting the text just seems to have the link and the written text both, so you have to delete the text that doesn't have the hot link. And Blogger does not email us anymore when we have comments (especially if you moderate them), so you need to check the comments to see if you have any and click to publish them and then it goes into the email. Annoying and extra steps to do, so I hope they fix it, but this might be the new way now? They never notify us of any changes made or how to do things now, so it's all just trying stuff to see how it now works. Ugh! Nice bathroom remodel!

  5. Could you please come to my house next to remodel a bathroom? Looks like a fantastic job.

  6. Wow, Susan!! Kudos to both of you on that major bathroom overhaul! Definitely not your average Weekend Warrior DIY project. I’m super impressed!

  7. The bath turned out really well. I’ll bet they love having it done. I do think that colorful shower curtain would be perfect in there.

  8. The bathroom looks amazing. Well done! You have skills. ☺


Thank you so much for just made my day!