Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Midweek Makers #450

Welcome to Midweek Makers!

Last week, I stretched the orange theme by using cream and brown, colors at the ends of the orange value range. This week, I'm sneaking in a shoe box block of salmon, or coral, if you like.

The color certainly isn't an RSC2024 choice, but once again, it's a necessary color bordering between orange and red.

I also checked for any leftover orange HST's and I had a lot of them! Into six identical broken dishes blocks they went plus one of batiks. That was a lot of HST's leftover from some project!

Now I'm ready to move on to the September color. Given that we've covered all the primary and secondary colors, I'm guessing it will be a variation on one of them. Of course, there's still black, white, and grey but those usually aren't official choices. We shall soon see!

Speaking of color, I'm choosing to feature yellow projects that were shared last week. Yellow certainly makes for cheery quilts!

From Quilting Patch, this fun and colorful baby quilt,

from Viridian's blog, a teal and yellow log cabin quilt,

and from Bell Creek Quilts, a happy double four patch quilt.

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Have fun!

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  1. Peach and coral are fun colors to work with! I can never decide if they fit in with the pink shades or the orange, so you might as well make them in a block all on their own. Have a great day, Susan!

  2. Your orange blocks are looking good. I love all of the orange-ish colors, so it’s fun that you’ve included coral and salmon.

  3. When and where do people find out what the Color of the Month is for RSC? I went to the RSC 2024 tab on So Scrappy's blog but the colors for every month are blank except for January. Is someone else hosting RSC now?

  4. The “oranges” are so pretty. I’ve always been an orange fan….any shade!

  5. Thanks for featuring my scrappy yellow quilt!


Thank you so much for just made my day!