Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Midweek Makers #464

Welcome to Midweek Makers!

Snow is in the air, at least here at QuiltFabrication! Check out the snowflake themed shoe box quilt block, which I was thinking would be the last block for my RSC2024 Scrap Storage quilt.

All blocks are on the design wall, and it has gone through one re-organization to accommodate the shelving/cubby layout I have planned. I like how it looks, but I still want it longer. So, off to find more themes I haven't used to add blocks for one more row.

Since snowflakes and Christmas go together, here are some Christmas themed projects our friends have been working on. Patchouli Moon Studio made a Grinchy wall hanging,

Bell Creek Quilts scored some green fabrics for trees,

and Quilting Gail used tree template from Missouri Star to make an impromptu card.

What do you have to share this week? Join the party!
  • please share a quilt related item
  • please link directly to your post
  • visit the other guests and leave some comment love
Have fun!

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  1. Your RSC blocks are looking like a big success!

  2. That is the most fun scrappy quilt idea! The blue snowflake block is perfect for it, and it will be fun to see what else you come up with for it. Have a great Wednesday, Susan!

  3. Your storage box quilt is going to be so cool.


Thank you so much for just made my day!