Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Sad News for Joann Shoppers

I'm sure you've heard the news by now. Joann has filed for bankruptcy (again), and will be closing more stores. Like over half - approximately 500 of 850. To read the press release and find out what stores are closing, click Joann Closing.

Now I know some of you quilters may be aghast that I shop at Joann. Where I live, it seems to be a taboo subject to mention. Who can resist a store within five miles, and 4 others within a 30 minute drive. Though I'll admit there was some quality missing in their fabric lines, you sure couldn't beat the selection and price!

I always loved stepping into the store and seeing the current display of seasonal fabrics just screaming 'take me home'! Having based most of my quilts around the seasons, these displays were absolute candy!

Of course, I can't leave out the fairly large selection of other prints available in a wide array of colors. A half yard here, a yard there, and I've got myself a wide selection of fabrics to play with. I was always searching for blenders, or for prints that hit a certain theme. I'm not known for buying a designer or fabric line. I'd rather select for myself.

Most of us quilters are about the fabric. But there's also the pins, needles, cutting tools, thread - all the additional items used for our craft. And batting! Joann had lots of choices there and usually on sale. I'll miss that.

For now, one store 30 minutes away will remain open. For how long, who knows? Not sure where I'm going to go when I need thread or batting. Heaven forbid that I have to turn to online shopping! I like to actually SEE the fabric. Guess I'll frequent the quilt shop close by, but it's just not the same.

So, a sad Adieu, Joann! Thanks for all the fabric and memories (especially Black Friday sales!). Maybe a buyer will step up and bring the store back. If not, I'll miss you.

Anyone else out there share my sentiments? Leave a comment!  

Happy Quilting

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My Favorite Patterns

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Butterfly Block

I've got an updated block to share - a Butterfly!

Originally designed 2023, I made this when the first color, blue, was announced for RSC2023 (Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2023). 

Some quilters were wanting scrap piecing instructions in addition to my Making Block from Crumbs video. Now I've decided to update the pattern and offer easy to follow scrap piecing instructions, thereby eliminating the guesswork if one is unfamiliar with the scrappy technique. The new Butterfly version lists the scrap sizes needed and provides the directions necessary to make a multi-colored butterfly. Yay!

Keep in mind that you don't have to follow my scrap sizes - be creative and make your own scrappy wings. Just be sure that they mirror each other, left and right.

Of course, wings made from scraps is not necessary - squares from fat quarters works just fine if you want to limit the amount of piecing. But it is important to have two values or different prints to distinguish the upper wings from the lower wings. That's what makes my Butterfly sparkle! Here's what it might look like with solids, and with the values reversed top and bottom.

After I made my scrappy version, I fell completely in love my little Butterfly block! Modified once again to make it really pop, it's charm then led me to design a full quilt, in several sizes even. But then life happened, and I haven't had a chance to make another block, let alone a quilt. It will happen someday.

So, for now, we'll just have to be content with my Butterfly block as just a block pattern, with the quilt to follow sometime later. With super easy stitch-n-flip piecing, the block finishes at 10.5" x 10.5", and is perfect for a beginner quilter.

Find my Butterfly block in my Etsy shop and send me pictures of yours - I'd love to see!

And if your wondering about the colorful butterfly props in the photo, they are from Send A Cake. They wind up to flutter out when released from a gift box. A friend sent them to me for my birthday - they were quite the surprise!

Happy Quilting!

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My Favorite Patterns

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Mountains Block by another quilter

Just want to share these awesome Purple Mountain Majesty blocks made by a quilter who found my pattern on Etsy.

Impressive, right? 

The use of different prints for the mountains and tree groves makes these so interesting to look at! I'm also see that block mirror images were made, which takes some time to rework printer settings to make that happen. This quilter far exceeded my vision for these Purple Mountain Majesty blocks!

I hope that the quilter shares the completed quilt. I'd love to see how these were used, whether a setting of just the four, or maybe the four with other blocks. I'll let you know if they pop up again.

It's always fun to see how others put their own spin on my quilt patterns!
Happy Quilting!

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My Favorite Patterns

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Gnome Home for February Quilt Block Mania

Welcome to my home! My Gnome Home that is!

Quilt Block Mania has chosen 'Houses' for the February 2025 theme. These are so cute!!

As usual, here's the links to all of this month's house blocks. Be sure to thank the creators for their generosity!

Dutch Row Houses by Carolina Moore
Modern House by Crafty Staci
Attic Windows by Scrapdash
Birdhouse by Patchwork Breeze
Home Sweet Home by Patti's Patchwork
Gnome Home by QuiltFabrication
House Around the Block
Santa's Candy Shop by Inquiring Quilter
Beacon by Robin Kinley Designs Etc
Castle by Memory Barn Studio
Outhouse by Patchwork River Quilting
School House Quilt Block by Quilting Room with Mel
Ranch House by Emerald Falls Quilts
Gingerbread House by Appliques Quilts and More
Carpenter Nutcracker by Tourmaline & Thyme Quilts
Hill House by A Piece of Quiet Quilts

As for my Gnome Home, I went for a bit of whimsical, slightly changing up the gnome house from my Gnome for the Holidays table runner

Gnome Home is all applique - just grab a fat quarter for your background then choose scraps for all the pieces to make the house. Pretty quick and simple.

The Gnome Home block is a free download pattern until March 3. In downloading the pattern, you agree to not share the file with others, but direct them to the QuiltFabrication.com/Gnome Home post - thank you! Now go ahead and click on the download button below for the PDF file. 

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My Favorite Patterns