Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Sad News for Joann Shoppers

I'm sure you've heard the news by now. Joann has filed for bankruptcy (again), and will be closing more stores. Like over half - approximately 500 of 850. To read the press release and find out what stores are closing, click Joann Closing.

Now I know some of you quilters may be aghast that I shop at Joann. Where I live, it seems to be a taboo subject to mention. Who can resist a store within five miles, and 4 others within a 30 minute drive. Though I'll admit there was some quality missing in their fabric lines, you sure couldn't beat the selection and price!

I always loved stepping into the store and seeing the current display of seasonal fabrics just screaming 'take me home'! Having based most of my quilts around the seasons, these displays were absolute candy!

Of course, I can't leave out the fairly large selection of other prints available in a wide array of colors. A half yard here, a yard there, and I've got myself a wide selection of fabrics to play with. I was always searching for blenders, or for prints that hit a certain theme. I'm not known for buying a designer or fabric line. I'd rather select for myself.

Most of us quilters are about the fabric. But there's also the pins, needles, cutting tools, thread - all the additional items used for our craft. And batting! Joann had lots of choices there and usually on sale. I'll miss that.

For now, one store 30 minutes away will remain open. For how long, who knows? Not sure where I'm going to go when I need thread or batting. Heaven forbid that I have to turn to online shopping! I like to actually SEE the fabric. Guess I'll frequent the quilt shop close by, but it's just not the same.

So, a sad Adieu, Joann! Thanks for all the fabric and memories (especially Black Friday sales!). Maybe a buyer will step up and bring the store back. If not, I'll miss you.

Anyone else out there share my sentiments? Leave a comment!  

Happy Quilting

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  1. Just read this morning that ALL JoAnn Fabric stores are going out of business now. So better look for somewhere else to buy your fabric and notions now. They had their chance by filing Chapter 11, but those in charge must not have had any idea how how to turn their business into a profitable store, since they are truly bankrupt now. They could have or should have closed several stores to reorganize and see if they could come back profitable and then later open new stores as needed. All water under the bridge now.

  2. I am very sad as I do a lot of my shopping there. I had heard mine was staying open, but yesterday online talk was that all stores are closing, guess we'll see.

  3. I'm sad about Joann's closing, too! I have (had) two within a few miles of where I live, and thought only one was closing, but now it looks like they both are. I never bought much fabric there, but it has been my go-to place for Gutermann sewing thread, DMC embroidery floss, Aida fabric for cross-stitch, and fusible interfacing for embroidery projects. Not sure where I will get all that now!

  4. I am sad about Joann's closing. I have found a lot of fabric there that was just as good as what I could get at a local quilt store and at a lower cost. I also bought my thread, embroidery floss, rulers and other notions. I will miss Joann's.

  5. And now the entire chain is closing. The nearest Joann's are 15 miles north or 17 miles south so in recent years I've only shopped there when I've really needed something. But when the liquidation gets underway I'm sure I'll pay a visit or two. I've gotten adequate-to-good fabric there over the years.

  6. That is so sad to hear. I don't shop there often but I do enjoy the crafts section and some of their fabric is pretty nice. I'm glad our only one is not on the list. We have no local quilt stores anymore so if I want to "pet" the fabric, I go there! I hope they all don't close.


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